Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween is coming!

So I gotta figure out what I'm going to be this year.

I'm thinking of this-

Wicked witch: too cheesy? Maybe, maybe not.

So the school therapist said I'm just stressed from school. He seemed a bit skeptical about the disappearing graffitti on the wall and when I drew the symbols out he seemed a bit surprised and asked where exactly where I saw it.

He told me to get more sleep, eat better, and watch less horror movies.

The nightmares have subsided, actually, but I did see that guy again down at the used bookstore. We made eye contact and he looked really sad. He sort of nodded his head like "Be careful" or something?

No good books down there today though, I'm hoping they get some Joyce Caroll Oates in soon. There's a newer one, "The Falls", that sounds good. Not that I need MORE reading having Professor Laetz for Ethics! Jeez!

Also, I haven't seen Rick since he was in my dream. I want to tell him about it, but I don't want to freak him out.

Anyways, its saturday before Halloween, so I gotta get ready for the multitude of costume parties tonight!


Tina Valisa said...


Wicked Witch of the Eastside! ;)

get some sleep, don't party too hard kiddo

Anna Valisa said...

what are you doin for halloween?